Tuesday, 18 May 2010


So here are a few things about my life right now you may all be interested to know (actually you probably don't but if you're reading this blog you must care a little, right?):

NUMERO UNO: I have finished my art exam. I still have my exhibition to but up, but that will be fun. actually, I found the exam fun, but I also find English Lit and French exams fun so my view should be ignored. Anyway, it is fini! Massive weight lifted! Hwvr, I have carried my prep folder around with me for so long and now it's been taken away and I miss it. I've also decided art is more important than all my other subjects so I should definitely so art all day every day rather than revise.

NUMERO DOS: I am shit at photography. Mainly, I'm gonna say, because I have a shit camera and no time, and don't really try (why am I complaining you ask?) but still, it's depressing.

NUMERO TRES: I eat. A lot. I don't even like pringles that much, yet I've eaten enough tonight.

NUMERO CUATRO: I think I'm turning into a bit of an insomniac. But, I hold true to the idea that if you're sane enough to realise you're going mad, you aren't going mad. Thus, if I can tell I am finding it harder and harder to sleep, surely I will be able to get over it - mind over matter etc? Ouui.

NUMERO CINCO: Despite numbering these in Spanish, I'm going to fail my Spanish GCSE. Au revoir straight As!

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