Oh wow guys, I never thought I would find my last days at Stanborough so emotional! On the very last day, everyone was just nice to each other, and there were no cliques or divides - I found it very lovely. It's literally the end of an era - no matter where we are next year, it's never going to be the same... :(
I'm going to miss science lessons so much.

This is two guys in my year doing a little thing, I actually loved it! They did it in our final assembly.
But now, my pretties, it's time for the exams and the worry blah blah blah. Art exam on Monday, I'm actually kind of excited because I just want to to do it. Get it done. Make it good. Yey :) I'm so so looking forward to art A-Level! My art right now is proper GCSE, standard - little bit generic. I'm looking forward to doing things a bit more different and a bit more arty. Then, hopefully, it will be a year of pure art at Falmouth or something. Makes me so excited!
And, my oh my, can't wait to do English Lit. and French again, I've missed them so!
Hope you're all having lovely weekends! I am spending my Saturday night at home watching BGT, Doctor Who and Dorothy - I think it's a pretty great way to spend your time. I'm absolutely knackered, from a really lovely week of last week photos, Pizza Express and revision. Oh, it's only 9 but my bed is looking very cosy...
I can't bear to look at my signed shirt... the tears will most certainly come.
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