Friday, 7 May 2010

Bonjour, Weekend.

Salut, mes petites fleurs!

C'est le weekend, non?! OUI!
This one will be a tiring one; how I'm going to get any work done is beyond me. I get to prance around for two hours in rehearsal for my dance show, then go to Anna banana's for get ready to possibly the most anticipated party (other than my own amazing parties) of this year, simply because everyone's been harping on about it for months.

It's fancy dress, must dress as something beginning with T, R or S. I'm going with The Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland - my playing cards are sewn onto my skirt and my face make up technique has been perfected. I am very excited :o

I also need to fit in scavenging around a charity shop for: old books, children's books, a children's board game and other things to stick on my final piece for art. Ooohhh lala!

On a more intellectual and serious note: Politics.

There - I think I've said enough. No, I joke! I for one am very happy that neither Clegg, Brown or Cameron won a majority - they are all arse holes in their own special ways. That, however, by no means is to say I think that we are in a steady position or that this is a particularly 'good' thing. I'm a little bit concerned.

BACK TO THE FUN! Next week is going to be emotional - last week at the wonderful Stanborough School! Camera will be glued to my side for the whole week. It will involve cramming, worrying and freaking out, but also a mini concert, baking and 'class' parties. And it will also remind me how much I like my school, making me not want to leave and send me into a nervous break down. Horrah :)


In this picture, the sea represents the mass impending doom that is my exams.

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