So basically have been surrounded by tissues all day, because of this god forsaken cold which is making me feel like my nose is twice as big as the rest of my face. Which, actually, is not far off. And it's gone all red. And, right in the centre of my bottom lip, I have some cut because my stupid boyfriend made me hit myself in the face with my watch last night, in an attempt to stop me tickling him. Still tickled him, and it's embarrassing how much more ticklish he is than me. So eff you.
I need to get a new phone today; Blackberry or Nokia? I know I know, Blackberrys are 'amazing', but there's some funky deal where you get a load of free music with the Nokia. And I technically 'hate' Blackberrys, even though I secretly love them and wish I had one. I think I'll just go for BB. So long, money.
Now, I need to go to town and get that, practise my Spanish orals (which is really hard with a cold.) (and I'm really happy that my English teacher taught me the difference between 'practice' and 'practise'. The first is a noun, you see. And then I'm going to sit with my head in a bowl of Vicks so I can wear my cute little skater dress to a party tonight, instead of sitting alone at home watching Eternal Sunshine. Actually, that would be quite nice because I haven't watched that film in aaaaaaages.
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