Friday, 5 March 2010

6 impossible things before breakfast

I saw Alice in Wonderland today and I really liked it.

I must admit, it wasn't really how I expected it to be, but it was never going to be. That's what I love about Tim Burton; he will always surprise you. He never does anything by the book and he doesn't even care about the rules.

The story fit together nicely, and although I really did see some of the twists coming, it didn't ruin it at all. He picked out all the best bits, and I especially liked the flying rocking horse. The costumes were actually gorgeous; whoever got to design those is the luckiest person in the world. Make up too!

Anyway, I still found Deppppp very lovely with eyes the size of ping pong balls and ginger hair - he is just wonderful. Maybe a bit too Jack Sparrow, but the Scottish made my day. HBC was immense, 'but it's my cwwwwown!', and Alice was perfect. It was another one of those visually dazzling (lol) films and it had the best cast there could be - I love Anne Hathaway. But, I wasn't impressed with how much weight she lost for the film? She looked gorgeous, but it was something I liked about her.

Mais oui, good film, something a bit different and you can just lose yourself in it. Thumbsss up matey.

Oh, the dancing bit, no comment.

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