Sunday, 1 August 2010

I, errrr, I kind of wish I was you.

Serious guys, serious. There are a few people who I just think are really cool. Like, they're just HOT and FASHIONABLE and PRETTY and they have really cool hair. Jzt wish I was them. Yeppp.

ie this girl:

But also real people I know. I don't know why this has gone hyperlinked? Jeez I leave Blogger for one month or so and I go back to the not knowing what the heck is going on stage.

Well, I did something silly this morning.

So, I was having one of those dreams, in which I think I was very almost awake. There were were loads of flies or something wizzing around my head, and - in the dream - I hit them out of the way. Only, it wasn't in my dream. I gave the space above my head a proper WHACK and smacked my little hand into the iron bed frame I now have. So I now have a bruise. Clever one, lou.

Sunday, 25 July 2010

'demure, naive, pretty'

I'm not feeling very well today (damn being a girl) so I'm going to take advantage of this 'doing nothing' time to vent about my change in opinion on clothes.

Since about spring, I've really loved all things Summer (of 500 days). Cute, sweet, quirky... And dresses - had a big thing about pastel, floral colours. They are nice and they do make me feel pretty and girly, but recently... They've started to give me a head ache.

Obviously, it's still summer, so I will wear them and I will enjoy wearing them, but a/w10 - les florals sont un grand 'nono' a mon avis. And pastels, again, aren't sitting well with me - it's 'nudes' we want.

I got Elle Collections today and I love everything in it: aviator jackets (wantwantwant) and this topshop silky shirt are my faves, but I can't find it on their website yet, darrrn.


Thursday, 22 July 2010

Lucy in Disguise

I'm really looking forward to Lily Allen's shop opening in Oxford Street (well, near it)! She's going to put all her old red carpet and show clothes in there - or so I hear - and you can rent them or buy them, or if you're me just look at them. I think she looks so hot now, bit of a girl crush.

P.S I need to go to London. I miss it. Stupid expensive train fares.
P.P.S I love book shops - I could spend a whole day in one, especially Mahers.
P.P.P.S I need the A/W Elle collections.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Pardon moi,

I have been a very bad blogger recently - the only posts I've done recently are one line long or about films, so my deepest apologies.

It's mainly because I've been away and busy - and won't have real internet until next week - but I will try and post something interesting some time soon.

I love this Vogue

Friday, 9 July 2010

David Slade, you genius.

The first film in the Twilight Saga truly proved that a bad director can destroy what is meant to be a good film. New Moon was ok - but that was mainly because of Taylor Lautner being all big and... tanned. Eclipse, however, is actually a good film.

Bella no longer makes me want to scream at the screen because of her excruciatingly bland character - she actually smiles in this one guys. Edward is pretty good. He isn't so, how shall we say, scrawny in Eclipse and cracks a jokes once or twice too. Jacob is divine - Taylor Lautner couldn't be more perfect for the part. The only annoying part is that Bella choses Edward over him (what is wrong with you?!).

As well as the miraculous transformation off Kristen Stewart (she also looks beautiful throughout the whole film, and is how Bella should be), the story - in my opinion - is the best out of the whole series, as we get to see Rosalie, Jasper and the wolves' stories, and there's constant vampire an werewolf action, oooo yah.

I don't know if you can tell, but I'm definitely and Emily, not a Bella.

I just hope Bill Condon doesn't ruin breaking dawn, which to be honest has the potential to be a complete disaster - the story is a little far fetched, Stephanie Mayer.

Friday, 2 July 2010

my head hurts so much

I don't know what to do.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife

(Even though it still pains me to use one L when writing the title), this is one of my favourite films. It's such a beautiful story... Rachel Mcadams is perfect. You totally forget you're watching a film. The book is up there too, but what I like most is how they don't compete. The film captures the exact essence of the book, without ruining any of it. I love it!

girl crush

not because of this picture, because of The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

I keep a diary.

But I actually wish I kept a journal.

I know this is just 'terminology', but it's like the difference between a couch and a sofa - to me, a couch is a bit luxurious and sexy (as far as a piece of furniture can be) and a sofa is just comfy and snuggley. To some it may be the other way around...

Anyway! I kind of just write what happened today, how I feel about things and anything I've been thinking about a lot. So it's by no means impersonal, it's just a diary.

But that's all it is. Writing.

Journals, in my view, are bukly; there's things stuck in it; some days are just a drawing; there are photos in it.

So, as I am scared of allowing this summer to just pass me by, I'm going to try and stick something in my diary everyday. Today, it will be the sticker stuck on my sun lotion bottle, as it is the first time this year I have worn sun lotion! A bit lame today but I've honestly had a rather average day.

But hey ho!

Monday, 21 June 2010

Why is everything so expensive?

I currently have £5.98 to my name.
I want to go to the gym, this will leave me with 98p till July.
I want to go to London and draw some things in the natural history museum. This will leave me with - £10.02.
I want to go and see prince of Persia. If I go on Wednesday I may manage it, but I can't be sure.


Wednesday, 16 June 2010


(oh dear lord I'm supposed to be doing Alevv French next year... haven't done any in what 4 months? ohnoohno.)

ANYWAY! School's out, guys! No more exams, no more stressyness and no more disgusting bottle green jumpers which make me look as frumpy as a dumpling (?) (omg got told today by a bra fitter I have bra size 30F - thirty eff)

Anyhoodles, I have a prom dress! It may be very unoriginal, it may be from Topshop, but it's lovely. And, I searched far and low and this is the only nice one which looks good as well, and it's just gonna be sexxy. Big black killer platforms to compliment and some chunky jewellery... Magnifique!

I'm very happy today guys, wanna know why? I think I've found my... passion. My niche. My calling. And everything is good - I no longer feel I need to be a lawyer.

Au revoir xx

Monday, 14 June 2010

my exams present

(I some how managed to persuade my Dad I deserved this...)

Sunday, 6 June 2010


They're such a hoot. I think I vowed never to wear a catsuit again a few years ago but when you're playing a cat, it's kinda necessary. Then being Elpheba an hour later, with what 4 other costume changed in between and then another 5 after. Not to mention the different face paints.

Worst feeling during a dance show: running off stage whilst your next dance is being called to the wings, and realising you have no idea where your costume is... It's great.

But all went well and I have officially decided that if I fail in all my exams, I am definitely just gonna be a dancer. Done.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Right now, I wish

I was in: Australia. On a beach, getting a tan. I've just looked at the photos of my friend who moved to Australia a few years ago (whoa hey stalker!) and her life just looks so cotch - I think it's literally how it seems on the films. Swinging on ropes into a lake.

I was reading: The Picture of Dorian Gray. It's such a lovely book.

I was eating: Chocolate profiteroles, nomnom.

I was drinking: Cracker. Bloody love that stuff.

I was with: THE GALS. I sometimes get so tired (physically not mentally) of being a girlfriend, so it's nice to just be. With the gals.

Instead I'm revising (or I'm supposed to be revising) Maths which I don't get and English Language which I don't care about. Euuurgh someone take me to a beach, or shopping.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Garance Dore

Lovely blog, lovely photos, lovely illustrations


Sunday, 30 May 2010

Jack Johnson.

You know there are some musicians who you love, then you see a live video or an interview and your opinion is shattered? This didn't happen with Jack Johnson. I hadn't ever actually seen him in an interview and I just watched one, and I just love him. Favourite musician right now. Ah. There are still seat tickets at the 02 on 30th June... I think it would be an amazing investment. If only someone wanted to go with me, woe.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

This is just beauty.

I feel a little lost right now, if I'm honest. What I've devoted so much time and effort to over the last 3 years of my life is now sitting in a dark hall at my school on a 2 by 1 metre board, waiting to be dissected and inspected by an examiner. It's the kind of thing that is constantly on your mind, and then when it's over, you don't really know what to think about. Well, maybe atom economy and ethanol synthesis will do for now...

I'm getting a new camera in the next few weeks and I can't waittt.


Saturday, 22 May 2010

Breathe Me

Sia – Breathe Me
Stuck in my head, it's such a lovely song.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010


I don't really know what to call this blog.

I shouldn't feel guilty about the way I feel; I shouldn't worry that it isn't exactly how I'm 'supposed' to be feeling. Everything is labelled nowadays, and even the things that are characteristically unlabelled are manufactured and crafted to be exactly what everyone expects of these 'different', 'original' things. You can't find a box to put your feelings in and expect them to fit it; it doesn't matter if you heart doesn't flutter every time you see him, or that you didn't cry when your cat got run over or that there are some things about your best friend which you hate. If you feel it, it is real, and if it's real it's OK to feel it. I don't really know what I mean. This picture makes sense though.

And, I shouldn't allow myself to feel so competitive. I compare myself to you constantly, subconsciously and that self comparison, measuring yourself against someone - or something - else is something I have always hated and I should stop before I work myself into one.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010


So here are a few things about my life right now you may all be interested to know (actually you probably don't but if you're reading this blog you must care a little, right?):

NUMERO UNO: I have finished my art exam. I still have my exhibition to but up, but that will be fun. actually, I found the exam fun, but I also find English Lit and French exams fun so my view should be ignored. Anyway, it is fini! Massive weight lifted! Hwvr, I have carried my prep folder around with me for so long and now it's been taken away and I miss it. I've also decided art is more important than all my other subjects so I should definitely so art all day every day rather than revise.

NUMERO DOS: I am shit at photography. Mainly, I'm gonna say, because I have a shit camera and no time, and don't really try (why am I complaining you ask?) but still, it's depressing.

NUMERO TRES: I eat. A lot. I don't even like pringles that much, yet I've eaten enough tonight.

NUMERO CUATRO: I think I'm turning into a bit of an insomniac. But, I hold true to the idea that if you're sane enough to realise you're going mad, you aren't going mad. Thus, if I can tell I am finding it harder and harder to sleep, surely I will be able to get over it - mind over matter etc? Ouui.

NUMERO CINCO: Despite numbering these in Spanish, I'm going to fail my Spanish GCSE. Au revoir straight As!

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Story of my life.

Oh wow guys, I never thought I would find my last days at Stanborough so emotional! On the very last day, everyone was just nice to each other, and there were no cliques or divides - I found it very lovely. It's literally the end of an era - no matter where we are next year, it's never going to be the same... :(
I'm going to miss science lessons so much.
This is two guys in my year doing a little thing, I actually loved it! They did it in our final assembly.

But now, my pretties, it's time for the exams and the worry blah blah blah. Art exam on Monday, I'm actually kind of excited because I just want to to do it. Get it done. Make it good. Yey :) I'm so so looking forward to art A-Level! My art right now is proper GCSE, standard - little bit generic. I'm looking forward to doing things a bit more different and a bit more arty. Then, hopefully, it will be a year of pure art at Falmouth or something. Makes me so excited!

And, my oh my, can't wait to do English Lit. and French again, I've missed them so!


Hope you're all having lovely weekends! I am spending my Saturday night at home watching BGT, Doctor Who and Dorothy - I think it's a pretty great way to spend your time. I'm absolutely knackered, from a really lovely week of last week photos, Pizza Express and revision. Oh, it's only 9 but my bed is looking very cosy...

I can't bear to look at my signed shirt... the tears will most certainly come.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

'vomit free since 93'

I feel like Ted in that episode of How I Met Your Mother. I got ILL. This never happens. And now it has. And I have to clean the car. Ohhhh.

Friday, 7 May 2010

Bonjour, Weekend.

Salut, mes petites fleurs!

C'est le weekend, non?! OUI!
This one will be a tiring one; how I'm going to get any work done is beyond me. I get to prance around for two hours in rehearsal for my dance show, then go to Anna banana's for get ready to possibly the most anticipated party (other than my own amazing parties) of this year, simply because everyone's been harping on about it for months.

It's fancy dress, must dress as something beginning with T, R or S. I'm going with The Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland - my playing cards are sewn onto my skirt and my face make up technique has been perfected. I am very excited :o

I also need to fit in scavenging around a charity shop for: old books, children's books, a children's board game and other things to stick on my final piece for art. Ooohhh lala!

On a more intellectual and serious note: Politics.

There - I think I've said enough. No, I joke! I for one am very happy that neither Clegg, Brown or Cameron won a majority - they are all arse holes in their own special ways. That, however, by no means is to say I think that we are in a steady position or that this is a particularly 'good' thing. I'm a little bit concerned.

BACK TO THE FUN! Next week is going to be emotional - last week at the wonderful Stanborough School! Camera will be glued to my side for the whole week. It will involve cramming, worrying and freaking out, but also a mini concert, baking and 'class' parties. And it will also remind me how much I like my school, making me not want to leave and send me into a nervous break down. Horrah :)


In this picture, the sea represents the mass impending doom that is my exams.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Have a party with a piñata!


This is happening very soon guys, yey! I would just enjoy it.

Monday, 3 May 2010

happy blog!

I am unhappy right now. I was vair excited to be of to Oxford Street to buy my prom dress, but my friend bailed on me, so now I'm not. *unhappy face*

So, here is my happy blog with a few happy things in it.


oh wow this is so cute   coffee-n-ciggs:  jessiehustler:  (via girlsgotafacelikemurder)
hahah these are so cute.

happy song!

made me haps

I might watch Wall-E today, that or Bright Star, I cannot decide!

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Guess what's fun on a Sunday?

Going on my flickr... (you have to add the last '/' or you get some chinese girl.

AND following my on twitter! _lucindat


Hope y'all have a supa dupa bank holiday :)

Saturday, 1 May 2010



It would be so unbelievably great to design album art work.

Alsoooo, top two are M Ward and Au Revoir Simone who I discovered today and really likee, listen!

Thursday, 29 April 2010


Find a really pretty red dress for summer.


I've always felt they are the thing missing from my wardrobe. I've searched, but I can never settle on a good on to buy it. But this summer, I will!

I'm mainly writing these now because I don't have the mental capacity to think up half decent, full blown blogs. My mind is filled with revision and Twilight (yes, I started re-reading Eclipse because a) I can't find New Moon, my favourite Twilight and have lent Twilight out, b) it makes me happy, OK?). '


Monday, 26 April 2010


Sing. In front of more than one person at a time.


I would love so much to be a singer!

Saturday, 24 April 2010


Have hair long enough to do plaits like this:


Getting there. Sorry didn't do one yesterday, I was at Anna's making face pizzas.

Thursday, 22 April 2010


Speak fluent French.


Might take a while.

P.S - this is wonderful - who doesn't love cupcakes.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


(Shakespeare taught me that's what PS stands for)

I was in the Daily Telegraph today!

I was going to put this is one of my number thingymabobs, but it appears I have achieved it! I had no idea, but luckily people I know read that thing. Horrah. No idea what it actually said, mind you.


Make really pretty icing.
It's not like I spend my days making and icing cakes (although I do that quite often), but I've always wanted to make the really good icing.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


Go to Reading Festival

slightly unrelated photo, sozza but it's nice.

This one is pretty much taken care of, but it definitely deserves a post, at least. Super excited for: Biffy (heartbroken mumford & son are at the same time), Libertines, Lost Prophets, Paramore, You me at six, Futureheads, Mystery Jets, Frank Turner, Two Door Cinema Club. And all the others. I hear Death Cab are rumoured, as is Laura Marling. Those two would literally make my life.

want to know something incredible?

How little time it takes to consume almost a whole packet of Jaffa Cakes.

Monday, 19 April 2010


Make a stop motion film.

This one is amazing; I just think they're so great! And, I think you could probably get away with just taking a load of photos and putting them together on windows movie maker or something - allow the fancy technology.

Sunday, 18 April 2010


Go on a charity project abroad to help people.


Some of my friends have done this, and they say it's great. Whether it's building, teaching or simply helping people out, I think it's a really great thing to do, and I will hopefully do it at least before I leave Uni.