Monday, 8 February 2010

I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. And sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
-marilyn monroe.

I love the blog I got this from - click


Mondays are always sad for me. I never get enough sleep on a Sunday night, and I can never face 5 lessons of science ahead of me or the stress of my Spanish oral being that one week closer. Also, being the over-analytical, pedantic, dementor that I am, I have mustered up some problem for myself in my head over the weekend, which is actually totally unjustified and ridiculous. Then, on a Monday night, around now, I realise this and stop worrying about it. Tuesdays are good.

Money is such a dictator. Excuse my bad simile but it's quite late and I quite wanted to blog about this. I got a bit crazed by it. No starbucks, need money. No make up, I need money. No friends round, I need to revise so I can go to Oxford and be a lawyer and live in a really big house and wear Chanel mascara. Oh, and be totally unsatisfied with my life and a bit depressed, I suppose.

Maybe that was a bit exaggerate but you get my meaning.
'You know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.'
This is a phrase my mother likes to use. I'm determined to never let her say this about me, ever. I'd actually rather do art history and French at Warwick then move to France and work as a badly paid lecturer. By the way. Not that that even matters, stop living in the future, Lucie.

I'm looking forward to this week. Last week before half term, and I'm on a bit of a mission. If my plan goes accordingly, there will be something different in two weeks time. If there isn't, well, I'm really sorry in advance because I will be moaning and generally be the annoying pain in the neck I was to all my friends today, all the time.

What was that about not getting enough sleep? Goooood night.

P.S, Shakespeare is actually great. Done a lot of him today, and I wish I could marry him.

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