OHH by the way, this is a big mish mash of my thoughts and shit, so don't read this if you actually have a life.

I was talking to my friend today, who I've been in the same form as for 5 years, and never realised how great he is. He used to be a bit of a thug, a bit sure of himself. But now, he's wonderful. I've never actually met someone who is so passionate about being a Christian. I've met quite a few Christians, but you're the most inspiring. You're so passionate and open. I used to be quite like you, but I find it hard now. I've done so many things that make me feel like a bad Christian that I don't really feel worth it any more. But I don't know. That could change, I just don't find it easy; you're inspiring, though.
WOW, I actually love you. I can't talk to anyone about this as easily as I can to you. I would be very lost without you, you're great. We have so many little secrets, and I love it. And he's a penis. So don't let him get you down.
On a more negative note, I've realised why we ended. I was always amazing, beautiful, 'perfect' for you, until someone else came along who was just a bit more convenient. You know what, I don't miss you at all. The only memories I really have of you are upsetting and annoying, you were never good for me, and I only liked you because I craved you liking me back, not because you made me at all happy. I know it's your birthday, but I made you a fucking card and posted it to you, you could at least say a thank you! hoooonestly.
Something I've been thinking about recently, is how being happy makes you feel bad. You're expected to hate your thighs. You're expected to dislike your hair style. You're expected to say 'I look like a gimp in that photo'. But sometimes you like your thighs and think your hair looks quite nice and that that's actually quite a flattering photo. I don't aaaactually like my thighs but you know what I'm saying.
Oh and I wish my art teacher would stop trying to make me cry. He's useless and doesn't even try to hide it. I love art, I honestly do, but he just crusheessss me. It's so annoying.
*I love blogs and I'm glad I posted the one I was unsure of posting.
I want a bicycle. A proper vintage lovely bicycle with a basket. And I want to ride it around somewhere. Like France when I go on holiday this year (woopdeedoo).
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