All week, I've had bloody teachers trying to get involved in my choice of 6th form, and it's really unfair. It's not their decision. If I want to move, I will move. Uust because I might doesn't mean I think my school is shit, I just really like the one I might move to. Ok, fair enough, teachers I am 'friends' with, but a random PE teacher who doesn't even know my name giving me and inquisition? Non, merci. It's my choice, leave me alone.
Then, there's this really gay thing, which is just making me want to just sit in a dark corner and sleep (just me who thinks sleeping is the best cure for upsetness and pissed offness?). I don't really understand what's going on, or how we've got ourselves like this, but we both hate it, so what is going on?
quote of the week from my ICT teacher, who is gr8: Random person: 'that girl you just made cry's boyfriend just broke up with her...' ICT teacher: Ohhhhhh piss off, SHIT HAPPENS! Sometimes life is easier if you look at it like that.

++, you're actually gr8, I'm glad we're friends now.
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