Thursday, 7 January 2010

IF the world doesn't end because it snows, THEN I will have to go to school tomorrow

That, young children, was a hypothetical claim (also known as hypothetical reasoning).

I have a Critical thinking exam on Monday, and it is worrying me. Even if I do a lot of work, I don't know whether it will help because it is such a strange exam. At least it is only half of the A-Level.

The assumption in that paragraph was that I actually give a shit about Critical Thinking.

Is this a reasonable assumption? Well, Critical thinking is a very odd subject, which most universities don't even count. It cannot lead to any job, and is pretty much completely made up - it's as though someone thought, HEY, what can I make a totally pointless and useless exam out of, that no-one even cares about? I know, Critical Thinking.

However, being the nerdy, anti-social girl I am, yes, this assumption is reasonable, I do give a shit, so will probably cry during the exam.

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