Wednesday, 2 December 2009

5 Reasons why I'm happy this Wednesday

1) There are no scary exams that want to kill my social life coming up at my school! Horrah! This is made even better because all my other friends have exams. Bad times guys, bad times.

2) It's been raining pretty much everyday for the last two weeks. I know this should really be under 'why England sucks' but for some reason I like it. I like the sound the rain makes against the windows on my kitchen roof. I also always think, if I was a farmer, or a fish in a pond somewhere near here, I would be really happy it was raining. Maybe, in a former life, I was a farmer fish in Stanborough Lakes.

3) Finally, my dance school is doing dances to Cats in our next show. Being 15, I can now proudly call myself a 'big girl', which means I get to be in all the 'tricky' bits of the dances and wear all the best costumes. I am really looking forward to prancing around a stage with cat ears and face paint on. It's pretty much my dream.

4) Soup. It's so great. With bagels.

5) - it's so cliché and makes me want to throw up every now and again, but generally it's rather nice.

And a sneaky number 6) I have finished my ICT course and blogger works on my school computers... Time for many, many in school blogs - I am such a rebel.

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