Sunday, 29 November 2009


So, I think we are all aware of the growing ridiculousness of Facebook groups and 'Become a fan of...', but some of them are just stupid. I've just seen one that says: 'Life should have an undo button!'. It has 6, 919 fans. I seriously disagree.

If we could just 'undo' anything we aren't 100% happy with, everything would be a complete waste of time, because we'd all live in a fantasy world where it never rains and we piss glitter. I can't count the number of times something really, horrifically shit has happened to me, but then 2 months down the line something good has happened because of it, or at least I've learnt a lot. Ok, so I'm still waiting for some of those things to happen but everything happens for a reason, right?

Also, if everyone 'undid' anything bad that happened to them, they'd make a load of bad things happen to other people, who would then undo a load of things and the whole universe would just implode and die.

Do 6,919 people really want to destroy the universe, huh?

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