Monday, 30 November 2009

The kind of person who

I've always wanted to be the kind of person who has dinner really early. I have no idea why, I just have. However, I've realised the only reason for that, is because I have dinner really late, at like 9. So, why not I just be the kind of person who has dinner at a sensible time, say 6.30? It's only dinner, anyway.

It then got me thinking about how I always want to be 'the kind of person who...'.
The kind of person who has photos on their wall.
The kind of person who keeps a diary.
The kind of person who does their homework on the first day they get it.
The kind of person who speaks loads of different languages.

I'm kind of those kinds of people.

Sunday, 29 November 2009


So, I think we are all aware of the growing ridiculousness of Facebook groups and 'Become a fan of...', but some of them are just stupid. I've just seen one that says: 'Life should have an undo button!'. It has 6, 919 fans. I seriously disagree.

If we could just 'undo' anything we aren't 100% happy with, everything would be a complete waste of time, because we'd all live in a fantasy world where it never rains and we piss glitter. I can't count the number of times something really, horrifically shit has happened to me, but then 2 months down the line something good has happened because of it, or at least I've learnt a lot. Ok, so I'm still waiting for some of those things to happen but everything happens for a reason, right?

Also, if everyone 'undid' anything bad that happened to them, they'd make a load of bad things happen to other people, who would then undo a load of things and the whole universe would just implode and die.

Do 6,919 people really want to destroy the universe, huh?

Oh, Sundays

'sundays don't count as part of the weekend, they're just the mingy bit between saturday night and monday morning'
I have wise friends.

I envy people who get anything more productive done on Sundays than making and icing cakes and cookies (that's pretty much all I did). Oh, and learn some irregular French verbs in the future tense, obviously the glue which holds the universe together.

This weekend has been long - 4 days to be precise - and it is really weird. I've been thinking it's Sunday since Friday. I am actually looking forward to it being Monday and going to school, I do believe.

Oh, I did also watch Corpse Bride - so much love to that film.

OH, and I had a dream that I lost half my followers (not that there were thousands in the first place) and got quite upset.

Haveee a happy Monday!

Saturday, 28 November 2009

I need to know that it's possible that two people can stay happy together forever.

As far as boyfriends go, Paulie Bleaker is boss. He's the cheese to my macaroni And, I know that people are supposed to fall in love before they reproduce, but... I guess normalcy isn't really our style.

Juno - I think I'm in love with you.
Paulie - You mean as friends?
J - No... I mean for real. 'Cause you're, like, the coolest person I've ever met, and you don't even have to try, you know...
P - I try really hard, actually.

Thissss is the kind of love story I like.


ballet, ballet, ballet

Grade 5 ISTD Classical Ballet Examination, 2.35pm

So this is what I'm gonna look like today in my oh-so-scary ballet exam.


I've had 4 lessons this week, but I'm still not ready, not that I ever am for ballet exams, they're so annoying.

Friday, 27 November 2009


Ingrid Michaelson – Winter Song

The Girl at the Lion D'or

I finished this the other night, it is lovely.
It's a short book, 250 so pages. But that's all it needs. It just picks up a really loveable character, Anne, puts her in a quiet town, throws in a complete heart throb and creates a lovely story, which in the end will break your heart.

I love Sebastian Faulks, he always completely articulates the emotions that are so unexplainable... Loveee him.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

this is my 3rd? blog today, but who wouldn't

You're pushing your luck...

Yeah, well luck pushed me first.

Pushing Daisies.

Dead girl. Pie maker with the magic touch brings her back to life; they were childhood sweethearts. They can't touch though, she will die. So, they kiss through cling film.

It's amazing how happy this show makes me - the bright colours, the wit, the hilarity, the fashion, the pies, the pie maker.


So he is pretty much gorgeous...

I want to be her, keep bees, speak 20 different language, be in love with him.

today, my hands are especially cold

They are always cold, but today is special.

I had one of these today, it's the fourth I have ever purchased, and it was just as amazing. Last time, the barista was feeling like a Scrouge and gave me an extremely modest serving of whipped cream- you might as well just cancel Christmas.
Then, lo and behold, I saw a woman scrape her whipped cream into the bin. I was utterly disgusted by the scum of Welwyn Garden City. She could have scraped it into my mug!

I mean, why ask for whipped cream if you're not going to eat it, huh? Repulsive.

Also, I finally stumbled upon a beautiful coat in Debenhams, but it was £124. I may waste my money on over-priced pieces of clothes, but that was a step too far in the wrong direction.

Also, this is top of my Christmas list this year:

It. Is. Gorgeous.

It has rose to my attention

It has rose to my attention that fashion right now in the high street, is pretty poor. My friends and I agree that as we wander aimlessly through Topshop and browse boredly on, we are frankly not impressed.
What is going on?

When, in a moment of joy, we do see something we love, it then has to be ruined by its price tag. What, so now only rich people can wear nice clothes?

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Sufjan Stevens

Isn't he lovely?

I want to go to Paris. I've planned most of my life and future in a city I've never been to, I think it might be a good idea to have a look around first?


I just love the idea of it, the hidden cafes, the art museums, the fashion... Been reading too many books, haven't I?

I also really want to go to Ireland - quite a contrast, I know. But I hear it is lovely, and it rains a lot. I like the rain. I think I would like Ireland.

I also have a soft spot for the Irish accent, but don't we all. Nathan from Misfits, anyone?

I want to go, to Paris and Ireland, with a camera, an iPod and a sketch book. Wearing nice shoes.
I wish I had more pairs of nice shoes.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Monday, 23 November 2009

so it didn't occour to you

that any of this would bother me?
obviously not.

team Jasper anyone?


Saturday, 21 November 2009

New Moon (second post about this film, oh dear).

I'm totally a wolf girl.

Thank you, Chris Weitz, thank you.

Now that the idiot who directed Twilight has hopefully been exterminated and banished from the universe, the film industry isn't making a complete embarrassment of the Twilight saga. I think it is clear that Twilight was a complete shambles but New Moon was... I'm gonna say it... Really good. Kristen Stewert was only an idiot when Edward was around, and the rest of the time she was half decent. Another amazing improvement of New Moon which Twilight didn't quite grasp the concept of: humour. The whole cinema was chuckling away (even if a lot of the time they weren't supposed to; Edward has a knack of looking very confused and constipated a lot of the time). Also, it seemed a lot more down to earth, and some of it even seemed like it could possibly happen in real life! However, the biggest improvement, I have to admit and I'm sure everyone else agrees, Taylor Lautner. Post haircut.

Friday, 20 November 2009

quotes are fun

'you threw my sandwich away? My sandwich? My sandwich?'

'butt scratcher? Butt scratcher?' 'butt scratcher!' 'Butt scratcher?'

'iiiiii'm a tumour i'm a tumour i'm a tumour'

'I hid under your porch because i love you'

'i like you temporarily'

'me ma moo ma moo'

'i hope everyone like mexican food because i'm making FAJITAS'

'4 for you Glen Coco, you go go Glen Coco!'



They really do make me want to cry (L)

Monday, 16 November 2009

So, yeah, Twilight.

This is an issue that needs to be addressed; I do still care about Twilight. I tried to hide it, I tried to fight it, but I couldn't.

Yes, Kristen Stewart is the biggest idiot in the world and cannot act for shit.

Yes, Robert Pattinson (my sister's boy friend is called Robert Patterson - it always makes me smile) isn't actually that hot.

Yes, it is the most ridiculous thing ever created.

BUT I STILL CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEW FILM THIS WEEKEND. It is going to be so good. I will sit and I will criticize and I will curse and I WILL ENJOY IT.

Sunday, 15 November 2009


not that you care

'it's the lesser of two evils'

or is it?

it isn't always easy to say.


it's simple: she loves him and he loves her?

Obviously not.

Relationships are really complicated, even when they are just two people at 'high school' being boyfriend and girlfriend. It's painful even when you're not in the relationship, and you see two people hurting one and other. Makes me want to run and hide from them! But, I know, that when it's worth it, you'll make it through all the painful arguments, and if you don't then it's for a reason, and you should be happy about the good times you had with a person, and not worry about the bad times. I hope. I don't know.

I hope this all makes more sense in a few years time.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

wash my teeth with a bottle of jack, cause when i leave in for the night i'm not coming back

I change my mind all the time. One day I'm in love with that guy, the next I couldn't care less if I never saw him again, and the next I don't think of him once. I hate how I look, I love how I am, what does it even matter? I want to be a writer, I want to be a tattoo artist, I want to be a lawyer, I want to be an astronaut. I want to go, I want to stay. I think I want this; I think I don't want this; I do not know what I think.

Friday, 13 November 2009

happy clappy


until easter/summer, that is. Hrmph.

I have realised that I wear black 90% of the time, and the other 10% I am sleeping or dancing. But who really cares? Black is great, it's 'slimming' and all.

This is a tres pointless post, but I was in the mood for a post, so here it is.


Tuesday, 10 November 2009


about so many things

I'm just having mind blocks and can't think about anything.

* but toffee nut cafe lattes are really nice and so are mince pies

I love old photographs; something about them is just so lovely. This is my grandma when she was about twenty; she's the spitting image of my mum.

I'm now done being upset about this; there's no point - it's not going to change anything right now. This time next year, all these things will be sorted out and I'll just be pissed off with myself for giving them so much of my time, just like I am now about all the stupid things I spent the whole of this year worrying about. They get in the way of seeing what is good.

I've been waking up mega early this week, so I have time to do fun things like post blogs in the morning :)

Sunday, 8 November 2009