Saturday, 5 September 2009


Haven't blogged in a few days, so this will be a long'en... buckle up.
There's a blog I follow, called Le Love, and I le love it. It has loads of posts that all about just that - L O V E. Some are sweet, some are heart breaking, some are funny, but today, I think I've read my favourite. 'Nice guys finish last because they're pussies'. Go find the blog and read it - leloveimage.blogspot
You will love it.

I have an audition today for Les Miserables at my local theatre with a youth theatre company that has provided me with many fun - and embarrassing - moments on stage. However, being me, I have a sore throat and a cold today, so I'm sure I will be sounding absolutely wonderful today! Oh well, they know I can't sing anyway, but it's never stopped them giving me parts before, I don't see why this should be any different.

Then, tonight, I'm going to see... 500 DAYS OF SUMMER. I have been waiting for this for a long, long time and the day has come! After today, I don't know what meaning my life will actually have. It probably won't be as good as I've been making it up to be, but I'm sure it will be pretty spectacular anyway.

Alas, we are back to school. The last two days have been rather wasteful. Had quite a funny whole school photo where I stood next to my darllling friend Anna and gaped at the hot PE teacher, who we have rightfully named, Mr Trim. He is rather dissshy.

Anyway, hope y'all have a lovely Saturday :)


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