1. We can tell our best girlfriend we love her over and over.
I know you guys do it, but it's never awkward or funny with us.
2. We can get excited about things like vintage and pink paper clips.
Sure, x-boxes and car tyres are fun but come one... Multi-coloured stationary?
3. We can never be told 'you throw like a girl' or to 'man up'.
We are girls.
4. We can act like boys if we want.
Every now and then it's fun to burp reallt loudly in public, but how often do you see a boy fiddling with his hair in a compact at lunch times?
5. We can have the biggest most random and dramatic mood swings we want - PMS
So what if one minute we're sobbing because of how much we hate our lives, and the next singing ast the top of our lungs dancing around our bedrooms?
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