Monday, 10 August 2009

As per always

As per always, I feel as though summer is passing me by a little too quickly. Every year, have a list of things I want to do in the summer, and, every year, I don't end up doing any of them. This year I wanted to learn how to make a skirt, and I got as far as chosing some nice material. I wanted to do another portrait of someone, like I did in the easter holidays, but, alas, I have not. I also haven't read all of any books. I fact, I haven't finished a book that I've been reading since about May. Oh, I also wanted to 'get fit' and play a lot of tennis, but I hardly blame that not happening on summer going to quickly.

However, all is not lost, the summer isn't over yet! I still have the opportunity to laze around on a beach reading as many books as I can when I go to Greece this Thursday, and perhaps I'll even get a bit of tennis in there. Anyway, we must all be very cliche and remember everything we did do, rather than everything we didn't.

Even if summer is almost over, that means it's nearly christmas, which can't be a bad thing. I've always preferred Christmas to summer - mulled wine and mince pies, gloves and scarves, giving and receiving presents, seeing that part of the family that you haven't seen all year.

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