Sunday, 25 July 2010

'demure, naive, pretty'

I'm not feeling very well today (damn being a girl) so I'm going to take advantage of this 'doing nothing' time to vent about my change in opinion on clothes.

Since about spring, I've really loved all things Summer (of 500 days). Cute, sweet, quirky... And dresses - had a big thing about pastel, floral colours. They are nice and they do make me feel pretty and girly, but recently... They've started to give me a head ache.

Obviously, it's still summer, so I will wear them and I will enjoy wearing them, but a/w10 - les florals sont un grand 'nono' a mon avis. And pastels, again, aren't sitting well with me - it's 'nudes' we want.

I got Elle Collections today and I love everything in it: aviator jackets (wantwantwant) and this topshop silky shirt are my faves, but I can't find it on their website yet, darrrn.


Thursday, 22 July 2010

Lucy in Disguise

I'm really looking forward to Lily Allen's shop opening in Oxford Street (well, near it)! She's going to put all her old red carpet and show clothes in there - or so I hear - and you can rent them or buy them, or if you're me just look at them. I think she looks so hot now, bit of a girl crush.

P.S I need to go to London. I miss it. Stupid expensive train fares.
P.P.S I love book shops - I could spend a whole day in one, especially Mahers.
P.P.P.S I need the A/W Elle collections.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Pardon moi,

I have been a very bad blogger recently - the only posts I've done recently are one line long or about films, so my deepest apologies.

It's mainly because I've been away and busy - and won't have real internet until next week - but I will try and post something interesting some time soon.

I love this Vogue

Friday, 9 July 2010

David Slade, you genius.

The first film in the Twilight Saga truly proved that a bad director can destroy what is meant to be a good film. New Moon was ok - but that was mainly because of Taylor Lautner being all big and... tanned. Eclipse, however, is actually a good film.

Bella no longer makes me want to scream at the screen because of her excruciatingly bland character - she actually smiles in this one guys. Edward is pretty good. He isn't so, how shall we say, scrawny in Eclipse and cracks a jokes once or twice too. Jacob is divine - Taylor Lautner couldn't be more perfect for the part. The only annoying part is that Bella choses Edward over him (what is wrong with you?!).

As well as the miraculous transformation off Kristen Stewart (she also looks beautiful throughout the whole film, and is how Bella should be), the story - in my opinion - is the best out of the whole series, as we get to see Rosalie, Jasper and the wolves' stories, and there's constant vampire an werewolf action, oooo yah.

I don't know if you can tell, but I'm definitely and Emily, not a Bella.

I just hope Bill Condon doesn't ruin breaking dawn, which to be honest has the potential to be a complete disaster - the story is a little far fetched, Stephanie Mayer.

Friday, 2 July 2010

my head hurts so much

I don't know what to do.