Thursday, 29 April 2010


Find a really pretty red dress for summer.


I've always felt they are the thing missing from my wardrobe. I've searched, but I can never settle on a good on to buy it. But this summer, I will!

I'm mainly writing these now because I don't have the mental capacity to think up half decent, full blown blogs. My mind is filled with revision and Twilight (yes, I started re-reading Eclipse because a) I can't find New Moon, my favourite Twilight and have lent Twilight out, b) it makes me happy, OK?). '


Monday, 26 April 2010


Sing. In front of more than one person at a time.


I would love so much to be a singer!

Saturday, 24 April 2010


Have hair long enough to do plaits like this:


Getting there. Sorry didn't do one yesterday, I was at Anna's making face pizzas.

Thursday, 22 April 2010


Speak fluent French.


Might take a while.

P.S - this is wonderful - who doesn't love cupcakes.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


(Shakespeare taught me that's what PS stands for)

I was in the Daily Telegraph today!

I was going to put this is one of my number thingymabobs, but it appears I have achieved it! I had no idea, but luckily people I know read that thing. Horrah. No idea what it actually said, mind you.


Make really pretty icing.
It's not like I spend my days making and icing cakes (although I do that quite often), but I've always wanted to make the really good icing.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


Go to Reading Festival

slightly unrelated photo, sozza but it's nice.

This one is pretty much taken care of, but it definitely deserves a post, at least. Super excited for: Biffy (heartbroken mumford & son are at the same time), Libertines, Lost Prophets, Paramore, You me at six, Futureheads, Mystery Jets, Frank Turner, Two Door Cinema Club. And all the others. I hear Death Cab are rumoured, as is Laura Marling. Those two would literally make my life.

want to know something incredible?

How little time it takes to consume almost a whole packet of Jaffa Cakes.

Monday, 19 April 2010


Make a stop motion film.

This one is amazing; I just think they're so great! And, I think you could probably get away with just taking a load of photos and putting them together on windows movie maker or something - allow the fancy technology.

Sunday, 18 April 2010


Go on a charity project abroad to help people.


Some of my friends have done this, and they say it's great. Whether it's building, teaching or simply helping people out, I think it's a really great thing to do, and I will hopefully do it at least before I leave Uni.

Saturday, 17 April 2010


Decorate my bedroom, and turn it into something I love.


I'm half way through this one - all but one corner is painted; a huge wardrobe is obstructing its completion! As soon as exams are done, or I just have the time, it's the first thing I'm doing. If I could, that would be my room - it is gorgeous.

Friday, 16 April 2010

One two ready go


If I wrote down a hundred things,
That I thought that I could do,
By the time that I was 67,
Would there be another list,
Of 99 things that I missed,
Just because I had a fear of failing?

Would I have walked between two towers,
Just like the man on wire,
Even though he had a chance of falling.
Would I have opened up my soul,
And let inside that deep dark hole,
Another human being capable of calling me by ... ?

I wrote down a hundred things,
That I thought that I could do,
By the age of 19 years old.
There's another list,
Of just one thing that I missed,
All because I had a fear of failing.

One thing that I left,
Highly unadressed,
Without a line dividing up the letters.
If I ignored those little words,
I could never become hurt,
I could move on and do so much better.

I love this song - Man on Wire, Jose Vanders.
It's quite relevant to how I feel right now; like there's so many things I want to do, and am scared of not doing. So, I thought it would be nice to do a little project - a little thing on my Blogger.

Everyday (or as near to every day as I can) I'm going to write a 'thing I want to do' post, starting tomorrow, hopefully I will have thought of a better name than 'thing I want to do' by tomorrow.

Not things like, see the world; fall in love; blah blah blah. Things that are solid and doable and inspiring. I think.

Well, if you read them, yey!

picture: when I was looking for a photo for this, anything with people, or anything human, in wouldn't do it.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Happy Wednesday ( a lovely long blog about not much)

This week has been lovely so far, but unfortunately I have not been in the photo mood so sorry for these rubbish ones.

One thing you should go and do right now, if you haven't already, is go to Brick Lane in London and point yourself in the direction of Rokit, Beyond Retro and all the other wonderful little vintage shops down Brick Lane. Just wondering through them, looking at all the cute shoes and crazy dresses is lovely. I was pretty pleased, as I managed to find myself one of those bags which I just know will now never leave my side; a pair of sunglasses which were exactly the kind I searched for for the whole of last summer; and a really cute red bow for my hair - it was just in a random box in Beyond Retro - so sweet! there was also a cat. A real life, living breathing cat. I must say I was a little scared at first.

To continue (is it just me that always says this with a french accent?) my little shopping spree, me and the lovely Beth and Hannah popped on down to OxfdStrt. H&M was just disappointing. Topshop, however, was not. It's overpriced. It's not great quality. But I love it. I've had my eye on this skater type dress since, oh about January now? And it was in the 'Buy it now or regret it later' section, so I just did it. It's slightly see through, but nothing a white bra and avoiding too many bright lights can't handle. I also bagged some good ol' high waisted shorts, which will always be essential for summer me thinkles.

So, oui! Shopping after you haven't in ages is just great. Today I had my second caramel blended coffee from Starbuckies today, which means I'm in the running to beat my total last year of about 3000.

I'm going to see Dear John tomorrow - I'm stupidly excited. Channing Tatum + Amanda Seyfried + rain kisses = The Notebook round 2.

Right now, I'm enjoying a bit of Frank Turner (I've just fallen in love with 'Substitute'). Also, The Futureheads and Mystery Jets are now officially on the Reading line up - thank you festival Gods, THANK YOU.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Today I feel

inspired and happy


Saturday, 10 April 2010

I thought we were through this.

I thought I was over you. I'm not.


Why. At first, I swooned, yes I admit it. But then I saw you as Eddy Cullz and just wanted to throw up everywhere (I hope you know you ruined that book for me).

But then, Remember Me happened. And you proved a) you are a good actor, b) you are gorgeous, c) you can do a half decent american accent.

And I love you again.

you're still not a good edward.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Social Networking

Really is the kill of my social life.
I've realised that I'm saying 'oh I don't have the time' to do anything, because I'm revising, when actually, if I just got the foook off facebook for the day, I would have the time to do both.

Thursday, 8 April 2010


I want to do some art. But I don't want to do some art for a project which I have to do well in, and have to keep within a theme. I just want to paint patterns and words and people that I like, people that I dislike, people who I want to be. And paint people in dresses in fields. I might just paint something and pretend it's vaguely some how related to 'work rest play'. Righto bye :)

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

If you never do anyting, you never become anyone.

Oh my oh my, I love this film.

An Education

It's just good. You know? When films are just good, and they're different, and there's nothing you'd change about them. This is one of those films.

It's got such an original plot I think, about a girl who is trying to find the point of life, really. She's destined for Oxford, but then dances with the idea of throwing it all away to be bought expensive dresses and pink cigarettes with money made from stolen art and conned old ladies. It really makes you think, and smile.

And now I kind of want to be Carey Mulligan...

'I'm being bored in order to go on to be bored apart from this time it's for the rest of my life!'

An Education

'It's funny though, isn't it? All that poetry and all those songs, about something that lasts no time at all.'

Makesss me think though - what the hell is the point of... stuff. In the next few weeks, I will be eating sleeping living dreaming exams and work. To get into the 6th form I want to go to. I will then be eating sleeping living dreaming even more work, to get into the university I love. Then, guess what, more work, to get a job to work, and work some more.

It all seems a bit futile, when you look at it like that.

anyway, it's a great film, go and watch it now :)


Is the night I've been waiting for for a long time.

It's finally here, and I can barely wait.

I'm going to watch An Education.


I've honestly wanted to see this for such a long time, so with creme egg and doritos in hand, Hannah and I are going to fulfill my dream (I don't think she really wants to see it, but oh well).

I'll tell you how it goes, might watch Pretty in Pink again, which is just fantastic.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

maybe we don't want to be found

I love Easter.

It's one of the best times of year; there are daffodils everywhere which really does make me smile; no-one expects it to be hot, so when the sun pops out we go mad and wear dresses and lie in fields (well that is what I do anyway); and there is chocolate everywhere. I have a guilty creme egg love, and it has been more than fulfilled.

I'm just easing into 'studying' but refuse to give up spending hours looking at blogs on this thing, it's just too much fun.

I'm going away for the weekend (eek) so I will have a load to love when I get back, horraaah. :)

Oh and another amazing thing about Easter: my birthday.
